Curriculum vitae

Research papers

Professional experience

International experience

Attendances in conferences

Courses on Moodle

Editorial duties

Links to Web pages

Faton M. Berisha

Department of mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences

University of Prishtina, KOSOVË



Research papers published in international journals:

  1. F. M. Berisha, M. H. Filipovic, On some transforms of trigonometric series, Publ. Inst. Math. 61 (75) (1997), Beograd, 53-60
    ( PDF, EuDML,, Journal, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  2. F. M. Berisha, On coincidence of classes of functions defined by the generalized modulus of smoothness and appropriate inverse theorem, Math. Montisnigri 9 (1998), Podgorica, 15-36
    ( PDF,, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  3. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, Approximation of classes of functions defined by a generalized k-th modulus of smoothness , East J. Approx. 4 (2)(1998), Sofia, 217-241
    ( PDF,, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  4. M.Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, On monotone Fourier coefficients of a function belonging to Nikol'skii-Besov classes, Mathematica Montisnigri, 10 (1999), Podgorica, 5-20
    ( PDF,, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  5. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, Direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory for a generalised modulus of smoothness, Anal. Math. 25 (1999), no. 3, Budapest, 187-203
    ( PDF,, Journal, Scopus, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  6. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, O svyazi mezhdu r-ym obobshchennym modulem gladkosti i nailuchshimi priblizheniyami algebraicheskimi mnogochlenami (Russian), Fundam. Prikl. Mat. 5 (1999), no. 2, Moskva, 563-587
    ( PDF,, Journal, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  7. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, O svyazi mezhdu nailuchshimi priblizheniyami algebraicheskimi mnogochlenami i r-ym obobshchennym modulem gladkosti (Russian), Metric theory of functions and related problems in analysis (1999), Moskva, 197-219, Izd. Nauchno-Issled. Aktuarno-Finans. Tsentra (AFTs) (dvi)
  8. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, O teoreme Dzheksona dlya modulya gladkosti opredelyaemogo nesimmetricheskim operatorom obobshchennogo sdviga (Russian), Vestnik MGU, ser. I Mat.-Mekh. 3 (2000), Moskva, 7-15
    ( PDF,, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  9. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, On the Jackson theorem for a modulus of smoothness determined by a nonsymmetric operator of generalized shift, Mosc. Univ. Math. Bull. 55(3) (2000), Moscow, 6-14; translation from [8]
    ( Scopus, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  10. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, A note on the inverse theorem for a generalised modulus of smoothness, Mat. Bilten 25 (51)(2001), Skopje, 91-96
    ( PDF,, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  11. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, O svyazi mezhdu r-ym obobshchennym modulem gladkosti i nailuchshimi priblizheniyami algebraicheskimi mnogochlenami (Russian), Sovrem. Mat. Fundam. Napravl. 25 (2007), Moskva, 149-164
    ( PDF, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  12. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, On the connection between the best approximation by algebraic polynomials and the modulus of smoothness of order r, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.) 155 (2008), New York, 153-169
    ( Journal, Scopus, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  13. F. M. Berisha, M. Sadiku, On an Euler-Abel type transform of trigonometric series, Proceedings of IV Congress of the Mathematicians of Republic of Macedonia, (2010), Struga, 331-341.
  14. N. Sh. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Approximating classes of functions defined by operators of differentiation or operators of generalised translation by means of algebraic polynomials, Int. Journal of Math. Analysis 6 (55)(2012), Ruse, 2709-2727
    ( PDF,, Journal, Scopus, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  15. F. M. Berisha, N. Sh. Berisha, Approximating classes of functions defined by a generalised modulus of smoothness, Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes (MSAEN) 6 (2) (2013), Istanbul, 84-89
    ( PDF,, Journal, zbMATH ).
  16. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, N. Sh. Berisha, R. Kadriu, Some reverse l_p-type inequalities involving certain quasi monotone sequences, Math. Inequal. Appl. 18 (4) (2015), Zagreb, 1245-1252
    ( PDF,, Journal, Scopus, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  17. N. Sh. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, M. K. Potapov, M. Dema, On approximations by trigonometric polynomials of classes of functions defined by moduli of smoothness, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2017 (2017), Art. ID 9323181, DOI: 10.1155/2017/9323181, New York, 11 pp.
    ( PDF,, Journal, Scopus, MathSciNet, zbMATH ).
  18. N. Sh. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, B. Xh. Fejzullahu, Some Fourier transforms involving confluent hypergeometric functions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions 35 (5-6) (2024), DOI: 10.1080/10652469.2024.2325429, London, 316-329
    ( Journal, Scopus, MathSciNet ).
  19. N. Sh. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, M. Sadiku, Using an Euler type transform for accelerating convergence of series, Aust. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 21 (1, Art. 15) (2024), Melbourne, 11 pp.
    ( Journal, ).

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Presentations in symposiums and scientific conferences:

  1. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, On monotone Fourier coefficients for some classes of functions , International Congress on Mathematics, Zürich, Swiss, 1994, Abstracts of short comunications, 86.
  2. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, O sovpadenii nekotorykh klassov funktsii opredelyaemykh pri pomoshchi nesimmetricheskogo operatora obobshchennogo sdviga , International Conference "Approximation Theory and Harmonic Analysis," Tulya, Russia, 1998, Doklady i tezisy, 45.
  3. M. K. Potapov, F. M. Berisha, The theorem on approximation by algebraic polynomials of functions with given generalised modulus of smoothness , Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi konferencii "Funktsional'nye prostranstva; Differentsial'nye operatory; Problemy matematicheskogo obrazovaniya," Moskva, Rossia, 1998, T. 1, 212.
    ( PDF, ).
  4. F. M. Berisha, M. Q. Berisha, Applying an Euler type transformation for accelerating the convergence of trigonometric series , Math/Chem/Comp/2002, International Course & Conference on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2002, Book of abstracts, 5.
  5. K. Hyseni, F. M. Berisha, Architecture and software design for simulation of specific processes, The 2-nd Opatija Meeting on Computational Solutions, Opatija, Croatia, 2007, Book of abstracts, 71.
  6. F. M. Berisha, M. Sadiku, On an Euler-Abel type transform of trigonometric series, IV Congress of the Mathematicians of Republic of Macedonia, Struga, Macedonia, 2008, Book of abstracts, 19.
  7. F. M. Berisha, N. Sh. Berisha, Approximating classes of functions defined by a generalised modulus of smoothness, 1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications (IECMSA), Prishtinë, Kosovo, 2012, Proceeding book, 54.
  8. F. M. Berisha, M. Sadiku, N. Sh. Berisha, On a method of accelerating convergence of series and its algorithm analysis, 1st International Western Balkans Conference of Mathematical Sciences (IWBCMS), Elbasan, Albania, 2013, Book of abstracts, 152.
  9. F. M. Berisha, M. Sadiku, and N. Sh. Berisha, Using an euler type transform for accelerating convergence of series, 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis (NumAn2014), Chania, Greece, 2014, Book of abstracts, 30.
  10. F. M. Berisha, N. Sh. Berisha, and M. Sadiku, On some l_p-type inequalities involving quasi monotone and quasi lacunary sequences, The Eighth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Iasi, Romania, 2015, Book of abstracts, 67.
  11. A. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Modified AES for increasing data security and its parallel implementation, The VI Congress of Mathematicians of Macedonia, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 2016, List of accepted abstracts.

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Research papers published in local journals:

  1. F. M. Berisha, On some transforms of trigonometric series, Bul. FSHMN 11 (1996), Prishtinë, 69-77
  2. F. M. Berisha, M. Q. Berisha, Sharpening of estimates of modulus of smoothness, Kërkime, ASHAK, 5 (1997), Prishtinë, 67-75
  3. F. H. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Karakteristikat strukturale të funksioneve të dhëna me anë të përafrimit më të mirë me polinome algjebrike (Albanian), Kërkime, ASHAK, 5 (1997), Prishtinë, 53-65
  4. F. M. Berisha, The evaluation of constants related to estimations of moduli of smoothness, Bul. FSHMN 12 (1998), Prishtinë, 7-22
  5. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Some weighted lp type inequalities about monotone sequences, Bul. i FSHMN 12 (1998), Prishtinë, 23-31
  6. M. Q. Berisha, F. H. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Some properties of Fourier coefficients of a function belonging to the Besov classes, Bul.FSHMN 12 (1998), Prishtinë, 33-44
  7. F. M. Berisha, M. Q. Berisha, Note on estimates of Fourier coefficients of a function belonging to the fÃŽH(p, k,j) classes of Nikol'skii, Kërkime, ASHAK, 6 (1998), Prishtinë, 111-122
  8. F. H. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Teorema e drejtë në teorinë e përafrimeve për përgjithësimin e modulit të vazhdueshmërisë (Albanian), Kërkime, ASHAK, 6 (1998), Prishtinë, 129-135
  9. F. M. Berisha, M. Q. Berisha, Disa veti të funksioneve nga klasët e Besov-it (Albanian), Kërkime, ASHAK, 7 (1999), Prishtinë, 15-22
  10. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Evaluation of constants related to estimates of Fourier coefficients of a function fÃŽH(p, k,j), Kërkime, ASHAK, 8 (2000), Prishtinë, 45-58
  11. F. M. Berisha, M. Q. Berisha, Jackson and its converse theorems for a generalised modulus of smoothness, Kërkime, ASHAK, 8 (2000), Prishtinë, 79-96
  12. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Jackson theorem for a generalised $r$-th modulus of smoothness, Kërkime, ASHAK, 9 (2001), Prishtinë, 89-116
  13. F. M. Berisha, M. Sadiku, On an Euler type transform operator, Kërkime, ASHAK, 9 (2001), Prishtinë, 117-124
  14. F. M. Berisha, Sh. Lohaj, Theorem of coincidence of classes for a generalised modulus of smoothness, Kërkime, ASHAK, 10 (2002), Prishtinë, 27-35
  15. F. M. Berisha, Xh. Krasniqi, On lacunary Fourier coefficients of a function belonging to Nikol'ski-Besov class N(r1, r2,l,q,[(p)\vec],b), Kërkime, ASHAK, 11 (2003), Prishtinë, 153-161
  16. F. M. Berisha, Approximating the classes of functions defined by operators of differentiation or operators of generalised translation by means of algebraic polynomials I, Kërkime, ASHAK, 12 (2004), Prishtinë, 21-32
  17. F. M. Berisha, Approximating the classes of functions defined by operators of differentiation or operators of generalised translation by means of algebraic polynomials II, Kërkime, ASHAK, 13 (2005), Prishtinë, 101-105
  18. F. H. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Klasa e funksioneve të Besov-it dhe disa vlerësime në të, Kërkime, ASHAK, 13 (2005), Prishtinë, 107-114
  19. Xh. Krasniqi, F. M. Berisha, Një përgjithësim i klasave të Lipschitz-it, Kërkime, ASHAK, 13 (2005), Prishtinë, 124-130
  20. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Klasa e funksioneve të Nikolski-t dhe vlerësime në të, Kërkime, ASHAK, 14 (2006), Prishtinë, 7-14
  21. F. M. Berisha, Approximating the classes of functions defined by operators of differentiation or operators of generalised translation by means of algebraic polynomials III, Kërkime, ASHAK, 14 (2006), Prishtinë, 15-24
  22. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Vlerësimi i koeficientëve Fourier të klasës së funksioneve të tipit B(p, q, a), Kërkime, ASHAK, 15 (2007), Prishtinë, 7-23
  23. F. M. Berisha, Approximating the classes of functions defined by operators of differentiation or operators of generalised translation by means of algebraic polynomials IV, Kërkime, ASHAK, 15 (2007), Prishtinë, 25-32

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Professional books and papers:

  1. M. Q. Berisha, A. Zejnullahu, F. M. Berisha, Matematika për klasën I të shkollave të mesme (përveç gjimnazit), Enti tekst. mjet. mës. i Kosovës, Prishtinë, 1997.
  2. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Matematika për klasën IV të shkollave të mesme (përveç gjimnazit), Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 1998.
  3. F. M. Berisha, M. Kadriu, Përmbledhje detyrash nga matematika për klasën III të shkollave të mesme, Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 1999.
  4. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, F. H. Berisha Analizë me teori të gjasës për klasën e X -- gjimnazi matematikë-informatikë, Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 2004.
  5. E. Hamiti, F. M. Berisha, F. H. Berisha Algjebër me gjeometri për klasën e X -- gjimnazi matematikë-informatikë, Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 2004.
  6. F. H. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Matematika për klasën e XI -- gjimnazi i shkencave natyrore, gjimnazi i përrgjithshëm, gjimnazi i shkencave shoqërore, Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 2005.
  7. M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Mosbarazitë dhe mosbarazimet: Doracak për nxënës të shkollave të mesme, Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 2005.
  8. F. H. Berisha, M. Q. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Analizë me teori të gjasës për klasën e XII -- gjimnazi matematikë-informatikë, Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 2005.
  9. M. Q. Berisha, F. H. Berisha, F. M. Berisha, Matematika për klasën e XII -- gjimnazi i shkencave natyrore, gjimnazi i përrgjithshëm, Libri shkollor, Prishtinë, 2005.
  10. F. M. Berisha, M. Q. Berisha, Matematikë -- për biznes dhe ekonomiks, Universiteti "Iliria", Prishtinë, 2006.
  11. F. M. Berisha, Zbatimi i moduleve të përgjithësuara të lëmueshmërisë në përafrimin e funksioneve me polinome algjebrike në metrikën me peshë të Jacobi-t, PhD thesis, Universiteti i Prishtinës, 1998 ( PDF ).

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Attendances in international conferences and seminars:

  • Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond, 3-rd International Conference, Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic, May 24-26, 2017
  • Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond, 4-th International Conference, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Ephesus, Turkey, May 9-12, 2018
  • EBSA22 Conference, European Biosafety Association, Bucharest, Romania, April 4-5, 2019
  • The European Landscape of Doctoral Education: The Future of Research Collaboration, UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE), European University Association Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE), The British Academy, London, UK, May 3, 2019
  • The Societal Dimension of Doctoral Education, 2019 European University Association Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) Annual Meeting, University of Brescia, Italy, June 12-14, 2019
  • VSNU - EUA Conference on Recognition & Rewards, Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), European University Association (EUA) Rotterdam, Netherlands, November 15, 2019
  • Teaching (FAIR) data management and stewardship, European University Association (EUA), Focus Group, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 19, 2019
  • 7th Rectors' Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans, Univerity of Rijeka, Croatia, September 4-5, 2023
  • Partnering for Excellence – Partnering for Europe, 7th Berlin Process Joint Science Conference, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Tirana, Albania, September 18-20, 2023
  • Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC) Annual Conference 2023, West University of Timisoara, Romania, October 19-20, 2023

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Editorial duties:

  • 2013-2016 Editorial board member, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics (JARAM), Irvine, CA, USA
  • 2014-2016 Reviewer, SOP Transactions on Statistics and Analysis, Scientific Online Publishing, Nashville, IL, USA
  • 2016 Team Leader, Kosovo team, International Mathematical Olympiad IMO 2016. Hong Kong
  • 2017 Team Leader, Kosovo team, International Mathematical Olympiad IMO 2017. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2018 Team Leader, Kosovo team, International Mathematical Olympiad IMO 2018. Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • 2019 Team Leader, Kosovo team, International Mathematical Olympiad IMO 2019. Bath, United Kingdom

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Professional experience:

  • 2022-... Vice-Rector for academic staf, integrity and publications of University of Prishtina;
  • 2016-2020 Vice-Rector for research of University of Prishtina;
  • 2004-... Fac. Math. Sci., Univ. Prishtina, full professor;
  • 2011-2016 University of Prizren, visiting professor;
  • 2007-2016 University "Business", Prishtina, visiting professor;
  • 1998-2016 University of Tetova, Macedonia, visiting professor;
  • 2003-2013 South East European University, Tetove, Macedonia, visiting professor;
  • 2007 American University in Kosovo, Prishtina, visiting professor;
  • 2006-2007 FON, Shkup, Struga, Macedonia, visiting professor;
  • 2008 International University of Struga, Macedonia, visiting professor;
  • 2008-2009 University AAB, Prishtina, visiting professor;
  • 2004-2005 University for Business and Technology (IEME), Prishtina, visiting professor;
  • 2001-2003 Vice Dean of the Fac. Math. Sci., Univ. Prishtina;
  • 1999-2004 Fac. Math. Sci., Univ. Prishtina, assistant professor;
  • 1994-1999 Fac. Math. Sci., Univ. Prishtina, teaching assistant;
  • 1991-1994 High Pedag. School, Univ. Prishtina, lecturer.

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International experience:

  • 1997-1998 Moscow State University, Russia (Phd thesis).
  • May--June 2001 University of La Rochelle, France (seminary presentation).
  • 2002 Institute "Alfred Renyi" of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Applications of the Central European University (Doctorial School in Mathematics).
  • March--May 2002 University of Jena, Germany (study visit, seminary presentation).
  • November--December 2006 Carlow Institute of Technology, Ireland (study visit).
  • September--October 2017 Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA (exchange program).

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Links to Web

A very short list where some of the people who have made my academic work possible (or easier) can be found. Some of them have been very close to me over years, and some I know "only" by their work. I thank all of them.